Well the first post that I did probably surprised those who know me, this one will not. Im a procrastinator, surprise. I had the intention to document every days journey step by step, and instead I drug my feet because I didnt know for sure if this is something I really wanted to do.
That being said I have read my guide for about a week now with each day telling the story of another part of Jesus' life. I have learned a lot (I thought it all would be a recap for me, boy was I wrong) and I have done much praying and thinking about all that I can and will take away from these reading.
If there is anything that I have learned from reading blogs and following a few blogs it is that I am not alone in putting off posting and journaling. I have seen on blogs like
Angie Smith, and a cool chick I know Jo C, that if you need to catch up there is no better way than a bullet point list. So here goes:
(First off, if anyone tells any of my guy friends I know anything about those girly blogs I will delete this post)
Day 1
Luke 2:1-12, The birth of Jesus.
- I learned today that Jesus was born in Bethlehem because a Roman emperor ordered a census. This was the first census reported so I am imagining that Mary and Joseph were not pleased to find out that they were going to have to travel to Bethlehem from Nazareth; especially Mary, since she was pregnant and due to have Jesus any day.
- I took away from these scriptures that even this Roman emperor had a part in fulfilling the prophecy that the Son of God would be born in Bethlehem in a manger, I will keep my heart open to the truth that every person and situation that God puts on my path is a piece of my story and is there for a reason.
Day 2
Luke 2:41-52
-I learned of when Jesus was 12 in these scriptures, and how he went with his parents to Jerusalem for the passover feast.
-Today I thought about how at the age of 12 Jesus stayed behind in the temple to learn from and talk to the elders when his parent started back on their journey to Nazareth. I took away from this that even Jesus himself has a desire to be in the house and to learn. I will enter church each week with a desire to learn all that I can.
Day 3
Matthew 3:13-17
-These scriptures take place on the Jordan River when Jesus gets baptised.
- I saw in these scriptures that John is hesitant about baptising Jesus because he feels as though he should be the one being baptised by Jesus. Jesus tells him that he must be baptised to fulfill all righteousness. Wow. If it is proper for Jesus to be baptised we should all follow in his footsteps.
Day 4
Luke 4:1-13
-The devil is temping Jesus during a 40 day fast.
- Jesus tells the devil that you should not put the Lord your God to the test. The devil was tempting Jesus to turn rocks to bread. I know for me without food for 4 days if I the opportunity to turn a rock to bread I would think about it. But Jesus was not tempted. And for that we should all be thankful.
Day 5
John 2:1-12
- His first miracle, turning water to wine.
- Before starting this reading plan I knew of this miracle, I knew it was His first miracle. I knew the
what and
how about the miracle, but I didnt know the
Why did He do it? Because His momma told him to. So from this I am thinking that it is important to obey, even when I dont want to. He even told her it wasnt time for Him to perform miracles but He did so because she asked Him to.
Now this is what I calling the first chapter of this blog. Lets all hope I get to chapter 2, 3, 4 and so on.