A friend of mine gave me this Beautiful Blogger Award. Looks kinda girly, but I'm going to go with it. With it comes the stipulation that you must post 7 random facts about yourself on your blog. That is why I think it is a new age chain letter, but it doesn't require me to buy 7 stamps so I'm just gonna give it a go:
1. I married my high school sweetheart and fall more in love with her every day. It all started one morning in sophomore physical science class. She sat right in front of me and I laid a kiss on her right out of the blue. Caught her by surprise, that's how I roll. It worked!!
2. I was in martial arts as a kid and loved it. Taught me discipline and respect that I am thankful for to this day. Also I broke a kids arm and leg in a tournament one time, Chuck Norris style.
3. I have a special love for a steak cooked medium-rare. Moo.
4. If you blow your nose in my house and throw the Kleenex in the trash can in the girls bathroom my dog will eat it. It is disgusting. I know this because he just did it, right now as I am typing this.
5. My three year old is sleeping in her sunglasses right now. She is a diva, and I love it.
6. I am scared of reptiles. I try to play it cool but it seldom works. They make my skin crawl.
7. I love to sing. This will be a surprise to many, not my wife, unfortunately for her she gets to hear me sing often. It isn't a pretty sound. And often I don't know the words to the songs I sing but it is something I enjoy. And if Garth Brooks comes on the radio when you are around me you to will get to hear me sing.
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