Thursday, April 1, 2010

Whats that Purple Duct Tape Doing There?

Wow. Funny you should ask about the purple duct tape that is on one of my newly laid tiles. I didn't think anyone had seen it. But since you asked, here is the story:
It's a funny story. Well if by funny you mean that the only option we have is to laugh. You know sometimes when a situation is overwhelming and the only thing you can do is step back and laugh. Well that is where I am right now. Its a little sad, a little overwhelming, a little disheartening, a small kick in the gut, and a touch funny.
Yesterday we got the electricity running to our stove fixed. It only cost $200. Funny? NOPE!
And after he fixed that he told me we didn't have a surge protector on our breaker box. Funny? NOPE! He tried to sell us a $1200 one, we respectfully declined that offer.
Then when he was walking around the corner. Snap. Tile cracked. Funny? NOPE!
That exposed a super sharp edge. One just right for cutting tiny toes rounding that corner. Funny? NOPE!
So I had a temporary fix for that, purple duct tape. Sharp edge eliminated. Crack underneath still there :(
So I am now going to have to dig that tile out and replace it. Funny? NOPE!
And of course it is one that has to be cut. So I need a wet saw again. Funny now? NOPE!
So come to think of it, the situation isn't funny at all. It is actually traumatic.
But all we can do is laugh and take it in stride.

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