Saturday, July 31, 2010


Hillsong LIVE Tour update - Dallas [with David and Kari] from Hillsong Church on Vimeo.

Here is a video blog from some of the singers that put on a concert at Fellowship last night. What a night! I have a feeling a lot of people are walking around today forever changed by the level of worship that they experienced last night.

There was a feeling of expectation and anticipation surrounding this event for weeks leading up to last night. There was a feeling of excitement that filled the campus hours before the concert. But nothing compares to walking in the back of the worship center and FEELING the Holy Spirit in full force. I was changed by 1 song.

As you can see in some of the clips that are shown in the above video our House was on FIRE for God last night. I truly believe that people are going to pursue or God with more enthusiasm, intensity, and passion because of the way that they were led to worship last night.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Over The Top

I bet you thought this post was going to be about the totally awesome old school movie about arm wrestling didn't you? I can understand. Every time I hear that term that is the first thing to comes to my mind. That little boy, the tuckers, the arm wrestling tournament. I loved that movie. Oh, and remember when that guys arm snapped? Made me cringe every time.

Well maybe this post is about arm wrestling, maybe it's about crazy ipod gadgets, or maybe it is about one of my pet peeves. My pet peeve is that I like the toilet paper to be placed on the roll just as this one is. I think the paper should come over the top, not around back and down the bottom. Is that to much to ask? I didn't think so.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dangling Feet

This weekend Mandi and I realized that the girls feet dangle a lot during the day. They dangle when they are in their car seats, when they sit at the kitchen table, and anytime they sit in full size chairs. The world isn't made for legs that are only 2 ft long. Which got us thinking, do they not fall asleep. They must not. I know when my feet fall asleep there is no hiding it. You kinda walk like a duck. Or a drunk pirate on a boat in the middle of the ocean. Either way, no hiding it. So feet falling asleep must be an adult thing, I wonder why?

Side story: I remember one time in elementary school there was an awards ceremony in the gym. I have never been a good Indian style sitter, still not. And I got called for some sort of award, I don't remember what it was because what happened next scared me for life. When I stood up my feet where asleep but I didn't know until I took that first step. Or lack there of. I face planted. It was ugly.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Rhinestones Make Everything Cooler

One of our really good friends had these awesome shirts made for the girls. We love them.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Slight Improvement

Now that's what an elementary area should look like! That's a 2 story mountain made out of Styrofoam. It has a working train that cruises around it and has a water fall that flows right through the middle. What an impact. If you check out the top there is a cube balanced on the top with our FC Kids logo on it. Oh, and for good measure there is a hot air balloon floating above your head that has the logo of our children's curriculum. WOW! So you can see that today's post and yesterdays are completely different images. (I wonder what happened to the 1 lonely plant at the bottom of the stairs in the other picture.) I get to work with some amazingly creative people.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I found this picture today of the elementary area at our church. It is right after it was built. If you go to Fellowship Church the picture looks wild to you because you know what it looks like now. Tonight when I am at work I am going to snap a picture of what it looks like now. And if you don't go to Fellowship you will think the next one is wild.


I feel so blessed that instead of thinking "I have to go to work tonight" instead I am thinking "I get to go to work tonight." I can't wait to get there and share in fellowship with my co-workers, and together we will make an impact in the world.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


If you are not from my wife's side of the family you may not understand this post. But if you are, you will be so proud of this little girl. Back story: Landon loves to take pictures with Mandi's camera and then browse through the pictures and admire her handy work. Like mommy like daughter! She is in this position because on this particular day she was taking pictures of her feet. (Just like every Brink, she thinks she has the prettiest feet.) On any given day you could click through the pictures on our camera and find about 4 or 5 of kid feet.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


This picture of a wedding reception looks so peaceful to me. It is elegant and tranquil. All that is missing are the smiling guests. I can picture them there in their formal wear dining on small portions of fancy food and sipping champagne out of crystal. It just look classy.
And now why I posted this:
This is a picture of where Mandi's cousin will have his wedding in September. This is where my two little princesses will be all dressed up and ready to throw some flowers. And this tranquil scene will be turned upside down. My girls don't know peaceful and tranquil unless they are asleep. So please pray for us. When I see this picture all I can think about are those rails up top overlooking the guests, I wonder how secure those drapes are fastened up top, and if those table clothes have some sort of stain protectant on them.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Old Spice and Glitter

I'm a man. Lets just get that out there. I am tough if I want to be.
I don't ride a Harley (or any other manly car), I don't have a beard, and don't chew tobacco, and I don't get into bar fights. But I am a rough and tumble guy in other ways. So when I get ready in the morning I like to smell like a man. I have a body wash that is only for men, some sort of active scent (very manly) and Old Spice deodorant (very manly) and my after shave is definitely manly.
Now in the other bathroom there is a different story. My girls love to put on lotion and glitter. They have a kiwi berry scented lotion, and they put their "sparkles" on their arms and cheeks. It is super cute and they love it.
Now this is where my manly scent disappears. When you hug two little girls covered in girly lotion and glitter your manly scent is instantly covered up. Even if someone recognizes that I have on some super manly Old Spice the first thing they notice is that my neck and face have glitter on them.
Oh well. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


This morning I have been thinking about how we deal with and talk to people who are going through a tragedy in life. Last night I read that a co-worker of mine lost his younger brother earlier that day. This morning I turned on ESPN to hear that George Steinbrerner had passed away. And I just received an email that a guy that I am currently doing business with is on his way to the hospital to be with his father after an accident.
The phrase, "our thoughts and prayers are with the family" keeps repeating. Which got me thinking. It is important to pray for people when they are going through difficult situations. And it is important to pray for people and let them know you are thinking about their families during these situations.
But I think we need to take a lesson from this in everyday life. One that I need to apply to my own life. We need to pray for families not just individuals. Behind every person there is a family. And that family whether it is biological or just a sphere of influence has a major influence on all of our lives. I know when I pray for people I will pray for them specifically and whatever they are going through. But now I will concentrate more on the bigger picture. Situations don't only effect the individual they effect a family of people. And together a family will have a great impact on an individual. So if we pray for everyone in the family we can make a stronger influence on any situation.

Friday, July 9, 2010

House Rules

Yesterday in the mail we got an awesome canvas to display in our house. It is super cool. WE LOVE IT. Partly because of what it says, partly because who made it, and partly because it is handmade with love. It is a list of house rules and scripture that back them up. I love it. So here they are:
Always be honest
Proverbs 12:22
Count your blessings
Psalms 34:1-3
Bear each other's burdens
Galatians 6:2
Forgive and forget
Micah 7:18
Be kind and tender hearted
Ephesians 4:32
Comfort one another
Thessalonians 4:18
Keep your promises
Romans 4:21
Be supportive of one another
Acts 20:35
Be true to each other
Revelations 15:3
Look after each other
Deuteronomy 15:11
Treat each other as you treat your friends
Matthew 7:12
but most important...
Love one another deeply from the Heart!
1 Peter 1:22
And if you want to check out what it looks like check out my friends blog who made it for us. She is pretty crafty and a pretty cool chick. We are lucky to have a friend like her!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


We cruised into Best Buy this weekend to check out some point and shoot cameras. It was a sad day but Mandi's point and shoot that she keeps in her purse of the diaper bag ALL THE TIME decided it was done. We tried sweet talking it, changing the battery, threatening it; but nothing worked, it was gone. So while her and the girls were browsing the cameras, taking pictures of each other, checking out all the cool new features I did what every other self respecting man would do: I went to check out the 3D TVs. They are SWEET! So the salesman, he must not notice I am with 3 women (consequently have NO extra money for a 3D TV) led me over to the home theater area to check out the most awesome TV on the planet. They had this nifty video that showcases the 3D very very well. The one thing that I noticed was that it was a little weird around the edges where the screen ends. Not to be picky. But it got my brain in day dream mode..... what if? What if someone invented a wrap around screen that went around all your walls? Or what if it was an LCD wallpaper that was flexible so you could wrap it yourself? And what if someone would come up with super cool movies that put you inside the environment? That would be awesome!!!!! OK, back to reality. We only have 1 TV in our house. And still no point and shoot camera.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Price is Wrong

I am NOT happy about what I found out yesterday. The Price is Right is in town doing auditions for contestants. I should be happy because I love this show and I should want to audition so I could win. I would rock at cliffhanger or plinko or any other game. And I would throw down on the showcase showdown. I would love to win a refrigerator, a boat, a trip to Jamaica, and some new carpet, and a watch (all at once.) But instead I realized something......this show seems to be rigged. Sadness has overwhelmed me!! I thought it was a random selection out of the crowd for who gets to "come on down", apparently not. If that were the case why would they have auditions?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

11 years

"If tears could build a stairway,
and memories were a lane.
I would walk right up to Heaven
to bring you home again."
11 years ago today I had one of the worst days of my life. I lost my brother and my best friend today. I miss you dearly Marcus and can't wait until the day we get to make new memories together. I love you!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Honor System is a Hassle

This morning we went to McDonald's for some hot cakes and McGriddles. It was a great morning treat. Mandi didn't have to be at work till 10 so we had some time to squeeze in some family time. But.....and here is where the morning turned into a hassle, when we went to pay the debit card system at Mickey D's was out. Oh NO, we are a plastic family, we never have cash. But the friendly manager stepped in and took care of our meal, on the honor system. She let us have our hot cakes, mcgriddle, coffee, and OJ; all she asked is that when we were done if we would come back and try to pay again. We tried. Nope. System was still down. So we had to drive across the street to an ATM to get some cash. We then headed back to pay. So I ran in and paid for our meal. It took her a while to figure out how to complete the transaction, I guess they don't do this kinda thing often. Then back to the car I go. When I got home I realized that there was a grand purpose to this morning's events. Maybe it was that we just completed a series at church on Honor. Or maybe it was because the snowcone stands also only take cash, and guess who now has a little cash in his wallet from the change at McDonald's?

Friday, July 2, 2010

A Rare Glimpse

Very rarely is there a video of an entire service at Fellowship Church. Most of the time when you check it out you may get one song or only the sermon. But here it is, an entire service beginning to end. Even has the greet your neighbor part of service. This is a good one to, Easter Sunday. There were many cool creative elements on display here. A lot of services we have something that makes you think "wow", but we normally don't have a full size train dropped out of the ceiling - that was a little something extra for Easter. Some people wear new ties for Easter, or get a fancy hat, pull out the pastel shirts, or eat ham, here at Fellowship we drop locomotives out of the rafters.

Easter Experience 2010 from Fellowship Creative on Vimeo.