Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dangling Feet

This weekend Mandi and I realized that the girls feet dangle a lot during the day. They dangle when they are in their car seats, when they sit at the kitchen table, and anytime they sit in full size chairs. The world isn't made for legs that are only 2 ft long. Which got us thinking, do they not fall asleep. They must not. I know when my feet fall asleep there is no hiding it. You kinda walk like a duck. Or a drunk pirate on a boat in the middle of the ocean. Either way, no hiding it. So feet falling asleep must be an adult thing, I wonder why?

Side story: I remember one time in elementary school there was an awards ceremony in the gym. I have never been a good Indian style sitter, still not. And I got called for some sort of award, I don't remember what it was because what happened next scared me for life. When I stood up my feet where asleep but I didn't know until I took that first step. Or lack there of. I face planted. It was ugly.

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