Friday, August 21, 2009

The Cost

Day 8
Matthew 16:24-28
- Talk about a verse that hits close to home. Verse 24 is one that I see every week at church. During the week when I serve at church I watch the elementary kids in a room that is called "Follow Me" and there is a sign that hangs in the entrance with this verse on it. When I saw what the title for today was and the scripture it didnt click what it was, but as soon as I started reading I knew instantly. This just goes to show that we can casually walk by something on a normal basis that could be a huge impact on our lives. When I read in the context of this entire section it makes a bold statement, put all your junk and funk behind you, take up what is right, and start making some progress. When you think that Jesus said leave all your worldly stuff behind and work on strengthening your soul it seems simple. Do good things and dont worry about your stuff. Oh, and dont walk by a scripture on the wall 100 times and not let it really sink in.

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