Monday, August 17, 2009


Well this is probably my first question and probably yours as well. Why a blog? And it has a funny answer, I dont know. Seriously, I have no idea. Maybe it will be fun maybe it will be challenging maybe it will be ridiculous. Maybe all of the above.

If you know me this should be the last thing you would imagine me doing. Typing my story. First of all I dont have good spelling, grammar, or form paragraphs very well. But I do like to talk and this just might help me be able to document my thoughts a little better. Also I dont tell a lot of my personal thoughts and ideas, so maybe this will be a way for others to get a glimpse of my brain.

So this is where the thought came from. As everyone that reads this blog will probably know, since I'm sure there wont be many, I work at my church. And at church there are many resources available to read, most of which I quickly look over because I know that I never get past chapter 2 in any book I pick up. But one day a week or so ago as I was cleaning up to go home for the day someone had left behind a little book in the nursery where I work. So I picked it up about to throw it away, and instead of throwing it away I decided "hey, since this is only about 7 pages long I'm going to read it." Lofty reading goals I know. I got home the next day and decided while the girls napped I was going to take out the Next Step Guide and give it a quick read. (Since this is also my nap time during the day this was a little out of my comfort zone.) For everyone that doesnt go to Fellowship Church, which you should if you have the opportunity, this is a little book given to people that have made decisions to follow Christ. I know this is not intended for me as I am already a follower but like I said it is short and I was gonna give it a try. So as I read through it I was thinking of what my next step may be and it came to me, to journal while I read the bible. Two things I am not familiar with. I wish I could say that I read the bible often but I dont. So this is where the blog came from, a personal journey to document what goes on while learning to live a life of obedience.

In this Next Step Guide our pastor Ed Young lays out some of the steps to take as a new believer. Most of which I have taken. And at the end there is a 31 day reading plan about the life a Jesus. So this is where I have decided to take my next step, a very basic daily reading.

I have taken many steps along my spiritual journey; some beginning steps, some small steps, some large steps, some jumps, some steps forward, some steps backwards, some steps beside others, some by myself, sometimes I have danced, sometimes I have fallen on my face, some steps where in the sand, some steps in the snow, some steps Im proud of, some Im not. But this step of journaling and reading is one that I feel I have missed and one that will help me grow, so here goes.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is my third time trying to comment so hopefully it goes through this time. First, I can not believe that you started a blog. But after reading this first post I cant wait to see what all you learn over the next 31 days. I am such a lucky wife to have you!!
