Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Hope Filled Heart

Matthew 6:22-23

Today was all about the day that Judas betrayed Jesus. It goes into great detail as to the complete hardship that Jesus had to go through that night. When you see it all laid out it is overwhelming. I often just think of the event as one of the followers betraying Jesus and having him arrested. But that is not all the He had to go through. Here are the big time bullet points of what He had to go through that night:
1. Unanswered Prayer
2. Unfruitful Service
3. Unbelievable Betrayal
Those are all things that you would think would never happen to Jesus. Yet all of them happened in a span of about 5 minutes. In that situation anyone, anyone other than Jesus, would have been completely overwhelmed. But instead Jesus could see past all that and have a hope for the future. A hope for the ones that are betraying Him. A hope for the ones that ran away. A hope for all of us. So when things start to stack up in life we should take a step back and think about how it is all going to work itself out.

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