Monday, August 31, 2009


Day 11
Matthew 24:1-25
- Some when they read this passage may become a little scared or uneasy inside when they read about the end of time and when it will all be over. But for me, Im excited! It is a time that will be scary, there will be a lot of deceit and trickery during that time. But I am confident that for myself, and many other believers, that we will be able to hold strong to our beliefs and lean on our faith that He will keep us safe during this time. It is a time that Jesus predicts that many will try to trick us but we will all know when HE returns. He compares it to knowing that there is a clap of lightening in the East even when you are in the West. It makes me wonder about all that we will experience during this time and the times to come. I love the song "I can only imagine" by Mercy Me, and when I hear that song my mind wanders everywhere and when I read this passage it did the same. I am excited about all that heaven has in store for me and my family, excited to experience feelings, emotions, and senses that we have never felt, excited to live in constant worship with our Lord. And if I am among the people on Earth that have to live through the end times, Bring It On. There are bigger things in store for me.

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