Tuesday, October 20, 2009


The Constant Heart
1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Today I read about having a committed heart like Jesus. My devotional talked about being stuck in situations that sometimes you are freaked out about being stuck in. And when you are stuck in situation how you can cope. You can flee, fight, or forgive. The first is easy, but doesn't solve anything, your problem will follow you. The second is more eventful, you will get some excitement, but it doesn't solve anything. The third is the hard one, and of course this is the one that actually works. If we want to model Jesus we have to get down and dirty. You can't take the easy road, you have to make some hard choices. Jesus modeled this when he walked with the same twelve men for three years. He knew all their thoughts. He knew all their mistakes. He even knew the mistakes and thoughts that hadn't happened yet. How hard it must have been to forgive all that junk and stay with that group. So for us we have to love, forgive, and hold tight to the relationships that we have.

Origin of the term stuckititis: Stuck means "trapped" ititis is what you put on the end of a medical term that you want to sound impressive. Thus causing the definition of Stuckititis to be the medical condition in which one is feeling trapped.

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