Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Soft Towels

We have figured out the recipe to have the softest towels ever.

We used fabric softener, but not in the traditional way. No Downy ball for us.

One day when I got home I told Mandi that the house smelled nice. (Side note, we have a Scentsy wall plug-in in our bathroom. We got it a while back and it works amazing. We even have to turn it off occasionally because it can get to strong.) In the back of my head I thought that was what smelled. So after a while the smell was super strong and while we were eating dinner I said it kinda smelled like fabric softener. That is when Mandi jumped up from the table and ran to the laundry room.

The new unopened fabric softener that was sitting on the washing machine was now sitting on the floor in a puddle. And of course it was lavender vanilla so it was PURPLE. Panic. So we went into clean up mode. Something that with two kids running around we do quite well and rather quickly. I ran to get towels as she assessed the situation. So after we soaked it all up with about 6 towels we were in the clear.

Sent the towels through the wash a couple of times. And now, like magic, we have the worlds softest towels.

I don't recommend this technique but if you do find yourself in this same pickle take a word of advice from us; use your good towels. Don't go grab the junky ones from the guest closet. Grab the fancy ones.

Your Welcome.


  1. hehehe...gotta love super soft towels, no matter how you have to get them :)
